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gTranslate Firefox Add On Speed Up Translation Process With Right Click

gTranslate, lets you get the translation done with only a few clicks.Powered by Google Translate, gTranslate technically acts as a medium to the instant online language translation service by Google in Firefox to feature more convenience for users in the event they need to do some translation. With this add-on install to the browser, when users need translation for some words or phrases, users just need to highlight the particular words or phrases, then right click. Users will thence see a new Translation option in the shortcut menu. The translated result will automatic be displayed at the sub-menu as shown below:

The translation is shown immediately
If users select a long paragraph for translation, the shortcut sub-menu is unable to display the whole translation within the limited space. However, users can further click on to the translation to bring up a full translation in a new browser tab.

The translation cannot display in full

Clicking on to the translation will prompt users to a full translation in a new browser tab
Since it is facilitated by Google Translate service, gTranslate supports translate from/to all languages available in Google Translate, e.g. English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish and Swedish. Other features of this free Firefox add-on include:
Option to automatically identify the language of the original text.
Option to detect the “lang” attribute of the selected text (or the whole page).
Option to set the destination language to the browser locale.
Replace texts from input and text area form fields.
Image title or alt attributes can be translated too.

gTranslate basically offers users a more convenient way to do some translation if it is necessary. It can’t translate a full page automatically like some other translators do. Nevertheless, for quick and fast translation, it does an excellent job.

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